Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Work Work, Yes Milord?

After sitting through 2 lectures and 1 tutorial in UQ, I realised that my knowledge about the world so far is largely limited. The feeling of being a frog looking up and realising the well built around him looms over me. Unlike the frog, I can help myself out.

What caused such a realisation to be true?

The education system I was in for my past 20 years works at achieving great results on paper. This creates a very focused curriculum. One devoted solely to scoring. Such a linear path generates great drive, which allows for Singapore's students to generally achieve good results.

such a linear path makes your peripheral vision really limited. Of course, I may just be an ignoramus maximus but I realised that knowledge that others take for granted completely escapes me. Sure we all heard of Galileo but how much do we actually know about him.

Yeah, you may reply with answers like,
"He invented the telescope and gave the theory that the Earth revolves around the Sun. 
What more do I need to know? Will such a thing be tested?" 

Which is exactly where the problem lies. 
Everything has to be related to the marks or it is neglected. One such case will be the notes provided. As teachers spoon-feed students with notes prepared by them, students effectively do not need to do any research of their own. The amount of content they are exposed to is thus limited to school curriculum. No getting lost in the library or the cyberspace and finding gems of information, of things unrelated but captivates you anyway.

The best way of finding your way around is by getting lost.

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