Saturday, July 13, 2013


After a few days here in Australia, I realised that the culture here is really different from that of Singapore. For one, the pace of life here is really relaxed. When you have finished reading that sentence, I believe that all of you will have different opinions about it. Stereotyping a little here, but Asians will probably think that there will be a great deal of waste here. Where the 24 hours of time in a day should be utilised up to the millisecond. 

However, I feel that such a view should not be taken. 
Relax =/= Waste
While shops close at 5pm in the weekends, it does not mean that everyone has nothing to do, on the other hand, it is a sign that everyone is willing to spend time with their friends and families instead of just working.

One other thing I noticed is the politeness of everyone here in Brisbane. While alighting from the public bus, you will be able to hear a chorus of "Thank you!" in various forms as people bother thanking the driver for the service. Not only that, the cashiers at shops bother asking about your day and do not seemed hassled when you engage them in conversation.

Lets talk about the geography or landscape of Brisbane.

Singapore is Flat.

Why do I say that? There, everything is nicely arranged and neat. On the other hand, you have

It may be hard for you to judge form the pictures, but walking from the school campus to my lodging is a good workout, with all the steep roads.

Meals are tricky over here, as compared to Singapore. There, street and hawker food provide a cheap and decent service. Eating out is easy and convenient, here, you are likely to go bankrupt on such a lifestyle, especially if you are a student.

But all hope is not lost,it appears that cooking for yourself is the way to go here. You can look for discounts and when you buy in bulk the food can be pretty cheap.
2k of BBQ Sausages = $14

Guess I will be eating sausages for the rest of the month!


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