Monday, June 24, 2013

One Small Step

This is my first blog entry, and I am feeling real excited about it. I created this blog to publish my thoughts and I hope that you readers will have fun reading it and maybe learn something from it. I certainly had fun thinking and writing in this blog!

Here is a little impersonal introduction about myself. Why do I say an impersonal introduction, well, I just wish to give you an idea of how I think, what my experiences were till this point. The point? That you can relate to what I say in this blog and to understand why I say the things I do.

I was born and raised in Singapore (a minute island nation located in South-East Asia). Till now, I have not travelled abroad independently. When I travel abroad, I do so cocooned in the suffocating concern of my family or in tightly managed tour groups. Even counting all these experiences, one can count the number of times I have left the country in one hand. Many of you are probably the same; after all, the familiar is the comfortable, the safe and easy path.  Well, now I wish to throw all the things I find familiar away and leap into the unknown.

3 Weeks from now, I will be boarding a plane for Brisbane Queensland, Australia, a state that is probably larger than the whole of Singapore. The catch? I will be doing it alone.  The purpose, to study at The University of Queensland for my Bachelor of Arts Degree and of course, to learn what it means to be independent, to expose myself to the world. Okay, I exaggerate, I will not be truly alone, I do have some (Friend of friends) friends there as a lifeline. (I have a penchant for the dramatic so do bear with me.)

Now, the purpose of this blog is to document my journey, thoughts and experiences as I set off on my own to a country I have never been to before and find out what the big bad world is like and all about. Of course, that will not be everything this blog will be about. After all, the “Absolutely Random” is not there for show!

I will be discussing my interests as well, from books to trends to anything that I find interesting that I wish to give a shout out about!

Anyway Kudos for now, look forward to my next post soon!


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