Friday, June 28, 2013

Docs and Jobs

Visited Drs. Horne and Chin for my medical checkup that is required for the VISA application yesterday (Thursday). The service is real face and good!

I had my check-up done by Dr Lu (What it says on his door) and it was quite an interesting check-up. The good doctor seemed to be real interested in my future plans, what I think working should be like and general issues. This is not to say he was unprofessional or slacking in his work. He did a real thorough job!

So anyway… one thing he mentioned that I find real interesting is the idea of a Calling. Now how would you go about defining what a calling is. You could see it from the person’s own point of view, where a calling is any job he strongly desires to get. While what exactly is a calling is hard to pinpoint.
1. An inner urge or a strong impulse, especially one believed to be divinely inspired to accept the Gospels as truth and Jesus as one's personal savior.
2. An occupation, profession, or career.
Between the doctor and I, we got out some examples of our own.

Between the doctor and I, we got out some examples of our own.

Doctor – Teaching – Military are but a few we talked about.

Of those, teaching was one that was closer to my heart. While my passion is in English writing and thought analysis, followed by design, I feel that Teaching holds a special place in my heart.

I feel that it is just a core part of me, the desire to teach. While I have rejected any ideas about teaching, when I look at how I interact with others, I realize that I keep trying to give advice, the make people think and question, to teach.

Is that what they mean by having a calling?

I shall see what the future holds then!

-ARP sensei

on a side note, my checkup was delayed as they found traces of blood in my urine sample, seems that I have to drink more water...

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