Saturday, June 29, 2013

I can't find my pen is

Alright! I got myself a new pencilcase from MYUK, a new wallet and spiffy new pens and writing pads.

However after buying all of the above and lugging them around on foot for 5 hours, I realised they are quite heavy. This means that my luggage allowance of 20 - 40 (depending on the airline ticket) kg will be a hassle, considering that winter clothing are quite heavy themselves.

On a bright side, I am cheered up after looking through all the MYUK designs. They are always good for a quick laugh. I got this one as it reminds me of myself.

Hahaha ~ Dragging people down since the start of time!


World War Z

I watched World War Z today with my good buddy.

Copyright belongs to the publisher, Crown
or the cover artist.
Starring Brad Pitt, based of a book with the same name, World War Z is an action, horror movie about an apocalyptic outbreak of Zombies (supposedly originating from some form of rabies) and ex-UN top-dog investigator Gerry Lane (Pitt) races to find a cure for the outbreak.

I have not read the book. But from what I heard, (and Wikipedia Yay!) the book explores geo-political issues as well as questioning how effective a modern army will be against a Zombie outbreak.

While critics go about saying the movie diverts itself from the source material. I feel that the movie (surprisingly?) does cover the general idea although a viewer might have easily missed them amongst the tension generated with the horror elements. This is especially so with the zombies’ tendencies to do Dynamic Entry-Style body slams into the scene. Well, I have not read the book so I cannot be sure about the source material.


Scenes I find interesting are.

-Spoilers below-
This promotional poster image does not belong to me.
Copyright belongs to PlanB Entertainment and
other relevant parties

In the supermarket, the policeman rushes to grab his share of the supplies instead of investigating a murder(self-defense) or the gunshot. What this can be said to show is the societal breakdown as law enforcement members will be more concerned with surviving then upholding the law, as people’s lives seem to be worth less and less. The pharmacist dude (not sure of that one) was a little odd though, seemed like a cool character but was not explored afterwards.

The US Carrier Group that acts as a safe harbor from the outbreak operates in a really practical manner, to the point of kicking out ALL non-essential persons cold-heartedly. Okay, they are not exactly abandoning them but you were not supposed to know that till the end. For example, they threw Lane’s family into a containment camp (or was it concentration camp), later mentioned as a safe zone, the moment they thought Lane died in the plane crash. This practicality may be necessary but an attitude that is very different from all (excepting dictatorships) government system now.

A consistent image is that of military troops getting overrun by the Zombie horde. While minute outbreaks were taken out or held back by troops, in the Jerusalem and various parts of USA scenes, the sheer mass and numbers of the Zombies totally overwhelmed the military. As my brother puts quite bluntly, it is hard for us to fathom what it will be like fighting such an enemy. Imagine a million enemy combatants. Now if you have a battalion of troops (approx. 600) with each soldier carrying 2 combat loads (1 combat load = approx. 3-4 magazines of 30 rounds each) assuming every shot is a guaranteed kill, which is not the case in the movie, the battalion will only be able to kill (600 x 2(4x30)) 144,000 zombies. You will still be facing 800,000 more zombies and chump change.

Okay, there were some portrayals in the movie that I find particularly irritating. I mean; Lane is presented as some super survivalist where everyone just seemed to be slowing him down. From his daughter screaming for her blanket at a real dangerous moment, to the scientist falling and killing himself with his pistol or the (other) scientist who seems to find something particularly noisy to step on and lure zombies. In the WHO part of the movie where they had to grab the viruses, Lane practically went ahead and did it all by himself while the doctor and the IDF soldier went running back to safety. Yeah, it made for some nice action scenes and they were justifiable but it still irks me as a moviegoer.

All in all, I found the movie interesting (feels like a L4D match) and I loved the ending scenes, especially the sight of Russians roaring their defiance in the Zombies face and wading in with pickaxes, but I do not judge it as worthy of re-watching. A decent 4/5 if you like this kind of semi action semi horror films.


Friday, June 28, 2013

Docs and Jobs

Visited Drs. Horne and Chin for my medical checkup that is required for the VISA application yesterday (Thursday). The service is real face and good!

I had my check-up done by Dr Lu (What it says on his door) and it was quite an interesting check-up. The good doctor seemed to be real interested in my future plans, what I think working should be like and general issues. This is not to say he was unprofessional or slacking in his work. He did a real thorough job!

So anyway… one thing he mentioned that I find real interesting is the idea of a Calling. Now how would you go about defining what a calling is. You could see it from the person’s own point of view, where a calling is any job he strongly desires to get. While what exactly is a calling is hard to pinpoint.
1. An inner urge or a strong impulse, especially one believed to be divinely inspired to accept the Gospels as truth and Jesus as one's personal savior.
2. An occupation, profession, or career.
Between the doctor and I, we got out some examples of our own.

Between the doctor and I, we got out some examples of our own.

Doctor – Teaching – Military are but a few we talked about.

Of those, teaching was one that was closer to my heart. While my passion is in English writing and thought analysis, followed by design, I feel that Teaching holds a special place in my heart.

I feel that it is just a core part of me, the desire to teach. While I have rejected any ideas about teaching, when I look at how I interact with others, I realize that I keep trying to give advice, the make people think and question, to teach.

Is that what they mean by having a calling?

I shall see what the future holds then!

-ARP sensei

on a side note, my checkup was delayed as they found traces of blood in my urine sample, seems that I have to drink more water...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Calluses on the palm

The Pull-up is one of the more demanding exercise and station for the Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT) in the Singapore Armed Forces. Also known as Chin-ups or “Oh My Gawd Just 1 More”, they involve griping a horizontal bar and lifting yourself up so that your chin is above the bar. Sounds easy? When you try it you will find it otherwise.

What I say in this posts are based off my experience when training to do Pull-ups. Some of the facts are probably wrong so do take the information with a pinch of salt. Pull-ups are sort of an obsession of mine back when I had to take the yearly IPPT. (ahh the good ol’ days) There are different ways of tackling a pull-up and different types of pull-ups.

A proper pull-up involves muscles from all over your body, from the triceps to your core muscles. They all play a part in allowing you to pull yourself up in a smooth motion while maintaining a straight posture. (By bending your knees, it becomes easier to pull but does not really count as a “proper” pull-up)

Here is the interesting thing. By adopting different postures when doing a pull-up, you will utilize different muscles. For example, a wide arm grip will use more of the back muscles compared to a narrow one, which uses the biceps more. A proper pull-up is supposed to fully utilize the large back muscle yet not forgetting the other muscle groups such that they work in unison to achieve an easy pull.

I feel that training for Pull-ups matches my character perfectly. Doing ten pull-ups only takes a minute or so and I just have to do it 3 times a day, once before my meals to maintain. Short, sweet and simple.

I remember watching one of Bear Grylls’ series about the French Foreign Legion. There, they require the recruits to do at least ten pull-ups before they go for their meals. The instructor said something that stuck in my mind.

“A man who cannot pull his own body weight is a waste”

Here, a simple pull-up can mean so much more. After all, the act of pulling oneself up is literally pulling your whole body up. While that can be seen literally, it can also be viewed figuratively. Doing a pull-up involves your own strength. By doing a successful one, it means that you have just lifted your whole body up by yourself. One small step to prove your own self-worth.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Epic-Tier Equipment Looted

It is winter over in Australia right now. The 4 seasons are akin to mystical beasts like the Unicorn here in Singapore. After all our weather patterns go something like “Sunny”, “Sunny with traces of clouds” and “Sunny with rainclouds”. An equatorial country with a mean temperature of 28 degrees Celsius and real high humidity, winter is certainly a foreign concept to someone like me.

So, what exactly did I get for my trip down South? Well, long johns for innerwear, followed by wool pullovers and windbreakers, one for indoor one for extreme conditions.

I find that travel shops, especially those specializing in winter clothing such as ColdWear or WinterWear will stock clothing that are suitable for such a trip. (I hope! Or my first few posts from Australia will be filled with Pain) Not only that, they usually provide pamphlets that show what one will need for various temperature ranges. Those provide a good rough guide for your purchasing needs. If you require more detailed information (like I do), all the shop assistants were able to answer my queries with information and advice to my satisfaction and you can feel free to ask them.

I realize that different brands have different qualities and that is one thing to take note of. As I will be going to Australia for an extended stay, it is crucial that my clothing do not fall apart on me after a few rounds of washing.

All in all, I am real satisfied with what I bought today. Pictures will be up when I get my camera and you will certainly see them in action when I get to Australia!


The Paratrooper's Prayer

There is another aspect of religion that I feel is not touched enough upon. The prayers that bring hope, the prayers that strengthen, to not change others but better oneself. 

Aspirant(LT) André Louis Arthur Zirnheld,

The Paratrooper’s Prayer


I’m asking You God, to give me what You have left.
Give me those things that others never ask of You.
I don’t ask You for rest, or tranquillity.
Not that of the spirit, the body, or the mind.
I don’t ask You for wealth, or success, or even health.
All those things are asked of You so much Lord,
that you can’t have any left to give.
Give me instead Lord what You have left.
Give me what others don’t want.
I want uncertainty and doubt.
I want torment and battle.
And I ask that You give them to me now and forever Lord,
so I can be sure to always have them,
because I won’t always have the strength to ask again.
But give me also the courage, the energy,
and the spirit to face them.
I ask You these things Lord, because I can’t ask them of myself.

 This is the translated version, the original being in French.

 I am an Atheist, how you feel is up to you, but this is my 5 cents worth. While it is named as a prayer, I see it as a call as well, a reminder to hold fast on one’s own values, of discipline, of will to carry on. While I do not believe in any God, I still have my own values, my own Ethnical system that I use to judge my actions and guide my life. 

My primary creed goes like this.

Take, not the easy way but the right way. Everytime.

There are others but I shall not dwell on those here.

Of course, there is the question of what is right, what is wrong, an argument that can be debated till the Sun goes out and still go on. However, to be able to judge for yourself what is right and what is wrong is a clear sign of independence and maturity. After all, you cannot have your parents or your priest standing beside you as you make your choices everyday.

Not just that, an act of kindness, whether it originates from your Christian background or just plain old morals make no difference in my opinion, it is still an act of kindness.

I detract. 

As I read this prayer, I feel a connection to the author. When the situation becomes dire, what I believe I need to do is not to look around for help, be it divine intervention or buddy assistance. Instead, you should stand up and get yourself out of the situation. Only when facing conflict and uncertainty will one be able to grow and better oneself! Of course not everything is to the extreme as in the case of Lt Zirnheld. Day to day decisions count as well. (Although they are far less dramatic)


Some of you may have noticed the post changed. I do my best to iron out any grammatical/spelling errors as I check my blog on a regular basis, and take note of all your comments. Comments that I will heed and use them to improve myself and this blog, so Keep them Coming!